Product Users

King Solomon Hicks

King Solomon Hicks

"僕のBenedetto と、D'AngelicoKTSのブリッジセットを使っていますが、僕がギターに求めていた特別なサウンドをもたらしてくれました。皆さんもKTSのブリッジに交換したとき、その違いを実感していただけると思います。"

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John Jorgenson

John Jorgenson

"I put it on my Epiphone Supernova that I was cleaning up after the flood got it, and it sounds great! I can really tell the difference in tone from the old bridge that was on there. You can see a video of me singing the Beatles' "Wait" on Youtube using that guitar for rhythm." ―John Jorgenson

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Jodee Frawlee

Jodee Frawlee

"As soon as i changed to the titanium blocks I noticed my guitar even acoustically is more alive sounding !!!! Then when i plug in i get more sustain than with the old blocks. Not only that, I am having a much easier time changing strings. With a Floyd Rose trem the regular blocks always get stuck & I have to pry them back ... The titanium slide back very easily making changing strings effortless. GREAT PRODUCT KTS!!! THANK YOU!!"

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Jennifer Batten

Jennifer Batten

"These Titanium bridge pieces are the BOMB!! Try them for yourself"

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今沢 カゲロウ

今沢 カゲロウ

6弦フレットレスにチタンのコマを取り付けたことによって、ミッドミッドハイ帯域の音の伸びをジャズベースのブリッジ交換以上に 露骨に実感させる結果となった。単音はもちろんのこと、コードプレイになると、ほとんど別の楽器のようだ。

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