Product Users

Scott Lentz (Lentz Guitar)

Scott Lentz (Lentz Guitar)

The KTS titanium neck plate is our go-to for the Reserve and JR Reserve Series guitars that we offer. Titanium (KTS) neck plates allows us to keep the weight of the instrument to a minimum, while maintaining resonance and note bloom. They look great and sound great; no other product out there compares!” –Scott Richard Lentz (Lentz Guitar)

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Steve Fox

Steve Fox

"I installed the new bridge on my 64’ Jazz Bass yesterday and have been playing it. It is a tremendous upgrade in sound and playability. The former bridge was quite bright, but the KTS bridge calmed the brightness down and has added quite a bit of punch. Even the finger touch when playing is so much better. I am loving this new sound. Thank you very, very much,"

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Tim Pierce

Tim Pierce

LA のスタジオミュージックシーンで最も信頼できるギタリストの一人として、Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, Joe Cocker, Celine Dion, Sheena Easton 他、数多くの超大物アーティストとのレコーデイング実績を持つ Tim Pierce。実は彼、KTS が 2000 年に NAMM Show に初参加した頃からのチタンサドルユーザーなのです。

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AJ Garcia (FAV Guitars LLC, California)

AJ Garcia (FAV Guitars LLC, California)

カリフォルニアのハイエンドギター工房、FAV Guitars LLC のルシアー、AJ Garcia 氏より KTS のチタンネック補強材に関するレビューをいただきました。

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James Southwell

James Southwell


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