Dennis Ralph


KTS user - Dennis Ralph

"I have to be honest about this. At first I didn't become interested in KTS products because of there total qualities they give but purely for cosmetic looks for my strat. My strat has a 2 point modern tremolo on it which is really good especially because of the pop in arm however I hated the block saddles. Unfortunately the saddles were offset which meant you couldn't just buy vintage looking ones that would fit the bridge. I then found KTS who was selling vintage looking saddles but with offset screws. It was then when I read about these titanium saddles and how they help the tone and sustain of your guitar. I became desperate to try them out.

Before I put my new saddles on my guitar I decided to record a strum of A minor for a before and after comparison. Once I had recorded using the old saddles I set to putting on my new KTS ones. Setting up the intonation using these saddles was the easiest set up i've ever done. I re-strung the guitar using the same strings I did for the first test and then started to play. I could instantly hear a difference. Notes became brighter and clearer as well as an increase in sustain. I then recorded using my new saddles and as you can see, there is much more sustain. They sound fantastic. I would recommend them to anyone, whether its for cosmetics or for better sound. You wont be disappointed." ―Dennis Ralph

KTS titanium sound

Session guitarist and member of Five Fathoms Deep

Dennis Ralph Official Website

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