Ben Granfelt


KTS user - Ben Granfelt

"I have now tried my relic strat with your bridgeparts in the studio as well as on a few gigs and. I must say that they really make a difference! There has been a lot of hype about titanium parts etc. I didn't really pay any attention to it. Now I wish I would have done so earlier! I haven't yet broken a single string on my Strat and there definitely is a change in the tone for the better! I'm changing to KTS parts on my Les Pauls too!"

フィンランド、ヘルシンキ在住のギタリスト。 Leningrad Cowboys, Wishbone Ash での活躍でよく知られている。 1993 年に結成された、Ben Granfelt Band を率い、ドイツ、イギリス、オーストリア、スイス等ヨーロッパは言うに及ばす、アブダビやドバイで開催される、ジャズフェスティバルにも参加する。

Ben Granfelt Official Website

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