Product Users

Mukohyama Sazuku

Mukohyama Sazuku

ボディー鳴りが全然変わった事は最初の一音で確信しました。アッシュのボディーの裏側に弦の振動がビンビンと伝わってきます。アンプを通して弾いてみると、今までフィルター通ってたのか?位にハッキリと音の輪郭が確認できます。フロントはトーンをやや絞り、ボリュームも8位にして指で弾くとかなり良質なジャズギターの雰囲気です。ジャズのギグに即使えます。そこからノブを上げるとレスポールを彷彿とさせる位太く張りのあるサウンドになりました。オールドのテレキャスターは、かなり太いサウンドでそれに近い方向のサウンドになったのは、大変喜ばしいです。チタンにした事で、より Fender 的になりました(笑)しかもブロードキャスター的にです!

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Mitch Stein

Mitch Stein

"I love the KTS saddles! I have them on several guitars and the way they bring out the natural tone of the guitar is incredible! The difference is amazing! Even unplugged you can hear the difference! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

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Mike Stone

Mike Stone

"If you are looking to take your tone to the next level, step up to KTS titanium saddles." "These things ring louder than Big Ben." "Fatter tone through the entire sonic spectrum-Wow!"

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Michael Thompson

Michael Thompson

"I have to say that I was a little bit skeptical about whether or not bridge saddles could make as much of difference as you say. But after hearing the difference in two guitars (a Fender '62 reissue Strat and a custom Don Grosch) I have to say it made a Big improvement in Tone and Sustain. I have already recommend these bridge saddles to some of my guitar friends. Eventually I would like to install these saddles in all my Strat type guitars. Thank a lot"

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Martin Miller

Martin Miller

“I love them for their tone, durability and improved tuning stability. Right now I’m looking into which guitar to upgrade next.”

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