Product Users

Johnny Rushmore (Rushmore Custom Guitars)

Johnny Rushmore (Rushmore Custom Guitars)

"AWESOME ! It certainly does clear up the sound add sustain and brighten up the instruments tonal characteristics ! Fantastic ! The 1 piece guitars I build - no neck joint made of mahogany and Limba definitely benefit in their tonal properties by these great titanium saddles especially in the upper frequencies ! Wow ! It brought out the mids like you would not believe - you have to hear this to know the differences ! 

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Hayden Lassila (Lassila Guitars)

Hayden Lassila (Lassila Guitars)

“I think they are fantastic, a lot better to use than carbon fiber bars in my opinion. A lot less mess with the installation process. And I have had no issues with the strength/integrity of the bars. Very happy with your product.”

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Corrado Carpinteri (Carpinteri Guitars)

Corrado Carpinteri (Carpinteri Guitars)

"I mounted a set of KTS saddles on my Maestro model. It's incredible how such a small detail improves radically the tone of an instrument. Now my guitar sounds better. It's more clear, every note is perfectly defined when you play chords and sustain is drastically enhanced. KTS' saddles are also perfectly machined with all the edges extremely neat, this prevents premature string breakage and simplifies the installation. I'm very happy with KTS products and I recommend them"

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Abel Franco

Abel Franco


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Geoff Whitehorn

Geoff Whitehorn

“サスティンが良くなるのもそうなんだが、チタンがサウンドに対してはたらく効果が好きなんだ。サウンドがまるくなり、深くなる..というようなね。 耳障りな高域のハーモニクスはなめらかになり、サウンドの全てが音楽的になるって感じだね。”

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