Product Users

Roger Bacorn (Bacorn Guitars)

Roger Bacorn (Bacorn Guitars)

"First, I need to say I'm a bit jaded regarding "enhancements" for tone and was a bit reluctant to even put these on my personal Frankenstein tele. It's set up with a Barden bridge pu and a vintage Gibson minihumbucker. It has the cheap steel modified cutaway Fender bridge with cheaper still steel saddles that I simply bent the adjusting screws to achieve proper intonation. Having said that, I'm definitely from the "less is more" school of guitar building, preferring the simple stop tailpiece/bridge that Gibson used on their early electric instruments as well as the 3 pc. saddle Tele bridges. If you want a Telecaster to sound like a Telecaster, this is the only way go IMHO.

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Olmo Bosi (ARDA handmade guitars)

Olmo Bosi (ARDA handmade guitars)

ARDA handmade guitars のビルダーOlmo Bosi氏は、音楽と美的レベルの両側面で、プレイヤー毎に異なる楽器へのニーズ・こだわりに応えるカスタマイズギターを探求、創造し続けています。ネック補強材については、素材を厳選し、独自のポジショニング方法を用いることで、優れた安定性を実現。KTS Titanium Neck Reinforcementsも採用されています。

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Michael Tobias (Michael Tobias Design)

Michael Tobias (Michael Tobias Design)

"The most obvious difference is the way it feels in my hand. The titanium makes it seem more solid but much more alive. Sonically it is more even, and the response is quicker. The notes seem to jump off the board. it's a very interesting phenomenon."

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Michael DeTemple (Detemple Guitars)

Michael DeTemple (Detemple Guitars)

我々のテストの結果、KTSのチタンサドルは、私のそういった考えを覆すほどの感銘を与えてくれているじゃないか。今、うちのラインアップのなかで、DeTemple'52,'56 そして P55 というギターとベースに、チタンサドルを使っている。

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MAS 日野 (Mas Hino NYC)

MAS 日野 (Mas Hino NYC)


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